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    Porto Passenger Seat

    High density foam and rubber feet to lock the Porto Passenger Seat into the included…

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    Turbo Porto Accessories
    Turbo Porto Accessories

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    High density foam and rubber feet to lock the Porto Passenger Seat into the included rear rack make for a stable, comfortable ride for all your passengers. With a water resistant cover and premium straps, there’s nothing to worry about. Pair it with safety rails and foot platforms or pegs and your passengers will float along without a care.

    • High density foam and water resistant cover
    • High density foam and water resistant cover
    • High density foam and water resistant cover
    • Specifically designed for the Porto bike rack, installation is simple with premium straps
    • Specifically designed for the Porto bike rack, installation is simple with premium straps
    • Specifically designed for the Porto bike rack, installation is simple with premium straps
    • Rubber feet lock seat in place on the rack
    • Rubber feet lock seat in place on the rack
    • Rubber feet lock seat in place on the rack
    • Up to 2 seats can be placed on the Porto rear rack
    • Up to 2 seats can be placed on the Porto rear rack
    • Up to 2 seats can be placed on the Porto rear rack
    • Dimensions (mm): 250mm x 150mm x 50mm (length/width/height)
    • Dimensions (mm): 250mm x 150mm x 50mm (length/width/height)
    • Dimensions (mm): 250mm x 150mm x 50mm (length/width/height)
    • COLOUR: Black
    • COLOUR: Black
    • COLOUR: Black
    • MATERIAL: PU foam
    • MATERIAL: PU foam
    • MATERIAL: PU foam
    • Compatible with pegs, side bag, foot platforms, safety rails, Tailwind and Coolcave Panniers
    • Compatible with pegs, side bag, foot platforms, safety rails, Tailwind and Coolcave Panniers
    • Compatible with pegs, side bag, foot platforms, safety rails, Tailwind and Coolcave Panniers
    • WEIGHT: 300g

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