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    Pneu S-Works Turbo T2/T5

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    The S-Works Turbo tire sets the standard for a fast and durable performance tube type race tire. Our all new Gripton T2 center compound is the fastest, most efficient compound we have ever developed. T2 is placed in the center of our dual compound for speed and longevity on the straights with T5 compound on the shoulders for incredible grip through the corners.

    We’ve improved the tire’s puncture protection by 8% with all new hybrid-Kevlar Blackbelt breaker under the tread. Combined with our light and supple casing you’ve not only got improved puncture protection but lighter weight and more flexibility for an incredibly supple and confidence inspiring ride. It all adds up to a S-Works Turbo tube type tire that 4 watts faster per set than the previous S-Works Turbo and that weighs just 200 grams for a 24mm. This is S-Works level speed with a tube.

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