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    How to Assemble A Road Or Gravel Bike

    Your new road or gravel bike was professionally pre-built and test-ridden before shipping. By downloading and following the instructions in our Road and Gravel Bike Assembly Guide you can unbox and assemble your new bike in just a few simple steps.

    How to Assemble A Turbo Road Or Gravel Electric Bike

    Just like a traditional bike, your new Turbo road or gravel electric bike was professionally pre-built and test-ridden before shipping. The simplicity of our Turbo system and clear instructions mean you can unbox and assemble your new electric bike in just a few simple steps. You’ll be experiencing the Turbo smile in no time!

    Activate Lifetime Frame Warranty

    When you’re done, make sure to register your bike before your first ride to activate your lifetime frame warranty.

    We're Here to Help

    If you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers. Our team of bike experts is ready to help get that sweet new ride on the road in no time. Check out our detailed FAQs or we'll help you find the answer or connect you with an advisor.