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    Romin EVO Comp with MIMIC

    For as long as there've been saddles, women have been having issues with them. But…

    Body Geometry Saddles vs. Traditional Saddles

    Body Geometry Saddles vs. Traditional Saddles

    Pressure Mapping Performance

    Pressure Mapping Performance

    We pioneered the use of pressure mapping to validate our solutions are providing real rider benefit and are backed by real science. Pressure mapping shows how different Body Geometry saddles solve rider problems, from soft tissue pressure to sit bone pain, in any riding position.

    Product Details

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    For as long as there've been saddles, women have been having issues with them. But where some see unsolvable problems, we see practical solutions. With our patented design, MIMIC technology helps create a saddle that perfectly adapts to your body to give you the support you need.

    And when you combine this technology with the long-nosed, curved profile of the Romin Evo Comp saddle, with its hollow Cr-Mo rails and Level 2 padding for extra comfort, you get a high-performance saddle that's designed to help you perform at your best. It still features all of the Body Geometry design characteristics you know and love, so you can be assured of superior, all-day comfort in any ride position.

    • Patented Body Geometry design is lab-tested to ensure blood flow to sensitive arteries.
    • Innovative MIMIC technology uses multilayered materials to maintain equilibrium and minimize swelling in soft tissue.
    • Durable hollow Cr-Mo rails.
    • Level 2 padding: Medium density foam for bike feel with additional cushioning.
    • Size 143mm / Weight 241g
    • Size 155mm / Weight 246g
    • Size 168mm / Weight 257g

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