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    S-Works Phenom z Mirror

    Phenom je dobro poznan po svoji dolžini in ploščatem profilu in je oblika izbire…

    28% Less Pressure

    28% Less Pressure

    Using a concave shape and ultra-compliant carbon shell, we’ve created a space for a thicker Mirror print, resulting in up to a 28% reduction in pressure, right where it counts.

    Body Geometry Saddles

    Body Geometry Saddles

    Body Geometry saddles are ergonomically designed and scientifically proven to address issues caused by traditional saddles, including causing ischemia - a loss of blood flow - that creates scar tissue, and can lead to erectile dysfunction.

    Cutting Edge Materials

    Cutting Edge Materials

    In addition to innovative Mirror technology, the S-Works Phenom with Mirror uses a concave flex-tuned full carbon shell and our 7x9mm carbon rails, combining lightweight and durability. Resulting in an incredible combination of performance, comfort, and durability weighing in at 223 grams.

    A Perfect Match
    28% Less Pressure with New S-Works Phenom with Mirror

    A Perfect Match

    “I love how tunable the S-Works Phenom with Mirror is – combined with the vibration absorption and comfort of Mirror – it’s the most comfortable saddle I’ve ridden in my 14 years of racing. I look forward to many more years on this saddle.” - Kasper Asgreen, Soudal-Quick-Step rider.

    Ergonomically Designed, Scientifically Proven
    Body Geometry Saddles

    Ergonomically Designed, Scientifically Proven

    These high-resolution pressure maps show the same rider in the same conditions on traditional foam saddles versus saddles with our Mirror Technology. Hear more from the big brains at Specialized University on how Mirror technology reduces pressure and helps relieve pain.

    Thank God Some Kids Stayed in Science Club

    Thank God Some Kids Stayed in Science Club

    To understand how we make the most comfortable saddles on the planet, you need to understand the Specialized Saddle team, some of the elite members of the Specialized Science Club. They’re a core group of riders who work on improving the ride for all riders and obsess over developing the best saddle shapes and technologies to reduce sit bone pressure so you can say goodbye to that pain in your butt!

    Product Details

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    Phenom je dobro poznan po svoji dolžini in ploščatem profilu in je oblika izbire mnogih najboljših dirkačev na svetu, od zmagovalca dirke po Flandriji Kasperja Asgreena do svetovnega prvaka v DH Loica Brunija. Kot vsak sedež, ki ga izdelamo, je bil tudi S-Works Phenom z Mirror ergonomsko oblikovan in znanstven dokazano – z našo metodologija Body Geometry – v kombinaciji z našim Mirror 3D tiskanjem – kar ima za posledico 28 % manjši pritisk, prav tam, kjer je pomembno.

    BODY GEOMETRY: Vemo, da je vsako telo drugačno, vendar so težave, s katerimi se srečujejo kolesarji med sedenjem na sedežu, enake – pritisk na sedalne kosti, kopičenje brazgotin in izguba krvnega pretoka. Z uporabo kartiranja tlaka, slepih študij udobja in celo študij pretoka krvi v penisu (ja, to smo naredili), Body Geometry in Mirror tehnologiji ne obljubljata le, da bosta rešila te težave za moške in ženske – znanstveno smo tudi dokazali, da jih res.

    RAZBREMENITEV MEHKEGA TKIVA: Z uporabo konkavne oblike in izjemno prilagodljive ogljikove lupine smo ustvarili prostor za debelejši Mirror tisk z uporabo 20.055 opornikov in 8.735 vozlišč – kar ima za posledico 28-odstotno zmanjšanje pritiska na sedalne kosti v primerjavi s tradicionalnim sedežem iz pene, izmerjeno z našim kartiranjem tlaka v ultra visoki ločljivosti.

    OBLIKOVANJE, NAVDIHNJENO Z ZMOGLJIVOSTJO: Ker je naš najdaljši in najbolj raven sedež od repa do nosu, S-Works Phenom z obliko in konstrukcijo Mirror omogoča maksimalno gibanje za optimalno postavitev za moč. To omogoča kolesarjem, da enostavno prilagodijo svoj položaj na sedežu za tempo napore in podpira gibanje kolesarjev v in iz sedeža pri vzponih.

    • Patentirana tehnologija Body Geometry je ergonomsko oblikovana in znanstveno dokazano poveča pretok krvi skozi občutljive arterije.
    • Longest and flattest, Mirror saddle, from nose to tail to date at 27cm.
    • Mirror technology utilizes 3D printing from liquid polymer to create a one-of-a-kind honeycomb structure that offers superior sit-bone support and comfort.
    • Carbon fiber shell is flex-tuned for support and ride compliance.
    • Ultra-light oversized carbon rails.
    • SWAT™-compatible mounts molded into the saddle base allow for sleek and integrated storage solutions.
    • NOTE: Oversized 7x9mm carbon rails are not compatible with seat posts equipped with side-load clamp mechanisms for 7mm round rails.
    • Size 143mm / Weight: 223g
    • Size 155mm / Weight: 227g

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