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    Smoother is Faster

    The History of Compliance Without Compromise

    It’s a simple concept. The smoother you are on the bike – stable in the saddle, confident at the bars – the faster you can ride. This is true in the mountains, it’s true on the cobbles, it’s true on rough road and gravel. But Smoother is only faster when that compliance is delivered with efficient power transfer and precise handling. We’ve been chasing it for decades with innovation after innovation.

    The Original Future Shock


    Conceived for the trail, the original Future Shock delivered oil damped front suspension to the Stumpjumper and gave birth to the tagline, ‘Yeah, It Works!’.

    The S-Works FSR


    Dual suspension on the mountain truly came of age with our revolutionary FSR suspension. The suspended rear wheel met pedaling efficiency for the first time. The love affair continues.