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    Power Arc Pro Elaston

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    The new Power Arc Pro Elaston expands on the success of our original Power saddle. It features the same channel and length as the original, but where it differs is in its titanium rails versus the carbon fiber found on the S-Works. But this means that it still features a stiff, FACT carbon fiber shell and lightweight EVA padding. If you're already a Power loyalist, this iteration features a curved Body Geometry shape that better contours to your body. What does this mean for your ride? It means that you'll feel as if you're “in the saddle" and not on it. And ultimately, this equates to greater comfort and superior performance in all seated positions.

    We've also replaced the traditional PU padding with an Elaston foam construction that's made up of small beads that are expanded into the foam. And now, with an all new cover material that further enhances Elaston's performance due to its omnidirectional stretch properties.The result? The feeling of sitting on 1,000 miniature pillows rather than one piece of foam.

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