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    Recon ADV Shoe

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    당신이 원하는 날짜와 방법으로 배송해드립니다.

    Look good, feel good, ride good—and adage as old as cycling itself… That’s the idea behind the new Recon ADV, where riding in style is just as important as the actual ride. This gravel shoe checks all the boxes in the aesthetics department, but is no slouch when it comes to cranking out miles. Recon ADV is suited for the rider who values adventure, time on the bike, and needs an all-day shoe that will keep going when the gravel ends. Recon ADV’s excellent walkability is made possible by STRIDE Toe-Flex Technology, providing a more natural feeling for off-the-bike adventuring.

    Don’t let the good looks fool you, this shoe is also built inside-out with our Body Geometry Technology, making it a menace on the pedals. Driven by nearly two decades of development and validated by science, we ensure there is no pain, only performance, where your body meets the bike. Through our creation of the Varus Wedge, Longitudinal Arch, and Metatarsal Button, your feet stay in their most optimal position when pedaling—as well as inline with your knee and hips.

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