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    S-Works Prevail 3 LTD

    Forward 50 Collection

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    S-Works Prevail 3 LTD

    Forward 50 Collection

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    As Specialized celebrates its 50th Anniversary and the innovation that has helped…

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    혁신의 다음 50년을 기념하다
    S-Works Forward 50 컬렉션

    혁신의 다음 50년을 기념하다

    Forward 50 컬렉션은 스페셜라이즈드를 지속적으로 이끄는 혁신가적인 자세를 궁극적으로 표현한 제품입니다. 골드 컬러는 스페셜라이즈드의 50주년과 라이드를 통해 삶을 개선하고자 하는 스페셜라이즈드의 열망이 한결같이 변함없음을 상징합니다. 핑크는 스페셜라이즈드의 역사적인 팀 스텀점퍼와 경건하고 반항적인 정신으로 레이싱에 임하는 스페셜라이즈드의 헌신을 떠올리게 합니다.

    1974 - 2024 : 50년의 혁신
    Pedal the Planet Forward

    1974 - 2024 : 50년의 혁신

    라이더의 삶을 개선하기 위해 혁신을 거듭해온 스페셜라이즈드가 창립 50주년을 맞이하여 앞으로의 반세기를 준비하고 사이클링의 미래를 창조하기 위한 계획을 세웠습니다. 지난 50년간의 혁신을 돌아보며 앞으로 더 나은 지구를 위한 페달링을 계속할 수 있도록 스페셜라이즈드와 함께하세요.

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    As Specialized celebrates its 50th Anniversary and the innovation that has helped us inspire riders worldwide, we have our sights set on the next 50 years of innovation. The ultimate all-around helmet, the S-Works Prevail 3 Forward 50 LTD, represents this commitment to continue pedaling the planet forward by innovating for riders. It all comes together in a stunning graphic.

    Gold represents our 50th year and how our desire to improve lives through riding has not lost an ounce of luster. The pink calls back to our historic Team Stumpjumper and our commitment to racing with an irreverent, rebellious spirit. With only a limited supply worldwide, they represent the ultimate expression of the innovate or die attitude that has inspired Specialized for the last 50 years and continues to drive us into the future.

    The S-Works Prevail 3 helmet is perfect for riders who value the comfort and thermoregulation benefits delivered by superior ventilation. It is the ultimate all-around helmet that excels in hot conditions, strenuous climbs, and mountainous stages.

    With a never-ending quest to push the limits of ventilation, we eliminated air-blocking foam “bridges” from the center, effectively creating through-air channels that increase the surface area of ventilation by 24.5% compared to the S-Works Prevail II Vent helmet. The all-new S-Works Prevail 3 has the most ventilation area of any helmet we have ever made.

    When a helmet is impacted, its job is to dissipate the energy of the impact. The conventional approach to helmet design is that more foam (EPS) means better energy management. We re-wrote the book on cycling helmet design by innovating beyond foam. Woven aramid “cables” traverse the helmet and are anchored to carbon fiber side panels. Upon impact, the AirCage technology* works as a suspension bridge and is designed to distribute localized forces throughout the helmet.

    The Occipital Base Adjustment optimizes comfort by personalizing fit to individual head shape, and the helmet angle can be adjusted for compatibility with glasses. An adjustable Tri-Fix web system gives riders added comfort with updated, thinner 10mm webbing that minimizes strap noise. And the ultralight Mindset micro-dial fit system with height adjustability has been updated for improved grip and reaction for easy on-the-go fit.

    Our ultralight and supremely comfortable MIPS Node Air technology is integrated directly into the helmet padding, with a sleek, low friction layer designed to dissipate rotational forces. With Specialized’s proprietary development work, we added perforations to maximize breathability, performance, comfort, and weight savings.

    • 에어케이지의 혁신으로 공기 흐름을 개선합니다.
    • 정밀한 풀랩 폴리카보네이트 쉘로 내구성을 높이고 고급스러운 마감을 구현했습니다.
    • MIPS 에어 노드 기술은 MIPS의 가장 환기에 중점을 둔 솔루션입니다.
    • 조절 가능한 트라이픽스 웹 스플리터가 개인 맞춤형 핏으로 편안함을 높여줍니다.
    • 후두부 베이스 조정은 안경과의 편안함과 호환성을 최적화합니다.

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